The Strength Deployment Inventory 2.0 (SDI 2.0) is a psychological assessment tool that assesses individuals' motivations, emphasizing three key motives: being helpful and supportive (People), results-oriented (Performance), and process-oriented (Process). These motives significantly shape how individuals approach various aspects of their lives, including work. The SDI 2.0 utilizes a triangle to plot individuals' motives, resulting in seven color-coded regions that represent distinct Motivational Value Systems (MVS). The position of the dot on the triangle reflects an individual's core values and intrinsic motivations, providing insight into what matters most to them when things are going well. This understanding of one's Motivational Value System is valuable for personal development, enhancing communication, and fostering effective teamwork.
In relationships, conflicts emerge when motives and values feel threatened, inducing discomfort and a sense of unease. This shift in motivational focus, termed a Conflict Sequence, involves a predictable transition from a People, Performance, Process perspective to a consideration of how to Accommodate, Assert, or Analyze the situation. This three-stage conflict progression is visually represented by an arrowhead in one of thirteen Conflict Sequence regions on the SDI Triangle. Conflict and motives are interconnected, as conflicts typically revolve around matters of personal importance. The SDI 2.0 offers insights into resolving conflicts productively by illustrating how motives change during these three conflict stages, providing a constructive approach to conflict resolution, regardless of its intensity.
Your assessment results generate a Strengths Portrait, revealing the narrative of how you employ your strengths in interpersonal interactions. These strengths are not mere skills but represent the behaviors you employ in pursuit of goals. Ranked from 1 to 28, the Strengths Portrait illustrates the prioritization of these behaviors in your daily work relationships, with the top strengths being most reflective of you. Some strengths energize you, while others may not, and your comfort level varies across the spectrum. Although your preferred strengths are often effective, there may be situations or individuals for which they are less suitable. It's crucial to recognize that you have a choice in utilizing different strengths. Assessing the effectiveness of your strengths involves observing if they yield the intended results and reactions, aiding in achieving goals while enhancing the well-being of others. Selecting the right strength contributes to collaboration and strengthens team bonds.
Unlike many other strengths assessments that offer valuable insights but may leave you wondering about practical applications, the SDI 2.0 stands out for being actionable and memorable. It embeds these insights into the fabric of your daily team interactions, allowing you to witness its effectiveness in meetings, messages, and conversations.
What sets it apart further is the ability for your colleagues to view their results in the broader context of your team. This collective representation of personalities contributes to Relationship Intelligence (RQ), facilitating a deeper understanding of each team member's strengths and fostering appreciation for differences. By comprehending what motivates each colleague, discussions about varying perspectives become constructive, viewing diversity as an asset rather than a challenge. This visibility into team strengths enables the strategic leveraging of everyone's strengths for enhanced collective results.
"Elise led us through the Core Strengths training. The biggest value was learning about the difference between how people are motivated. She did an amazing job providing us with practical guidance so that we can better collaborate as a team. I highly recommend investing in this training for your teams!"
Ana Macias, Director of Finance, Chosen Foods
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